Wednesday 27 May 2020

Without application (engineering knowledge) there is no engineering

Resources, Resource Management, Resource Harnessing and Resource Depletion.

Natural resource distribution varies from place to place in different parts of the world. Whether or not the people in those parts use these resources effectively is another issue for discussion.

It turns out that some use these resources optimally, some nominally and some almost do not.

The Sun which is a naturally occurring energy resource is available for a great part of the year and a large percentage of the day at varying intensity in different places.

In some of these places, electricity supply from the main electricity supply company usually called Mains (grid) is not always available hence alternative electric power supply is sought from many other sources.

These other sources include Electric Power Generating Machines (EPGM), sometimes referred to as generator and usually powered by petrol, gas or diesel.

One of the major “other” sources is the Sun by the use of solar panels which try to optimise its power. 

The Sun is freely given; why not harness its power optimally?

This write-up will discuss this later option – Solar Electric Power Supply (SEPS).

In some countries for instance, this option will benefit many if properly applied and managed.

Here are a few things to know when you want to deploy solar electric power supply.

Solar electric power supply comes in different basic configurations; this means there are many ways to deploy it. 

A few of the striking deployment configurations include:-

1.     On - grid Solar Electric Power configuration

2.     Off - grid Solar Electric Power configuration

3.     Hybrid Solar Electric Power configuration

The intention of this information is not to turn this forum into a classroom. There many experts in the field of electric power having great knowledge on this topic so I do not claim absolute knowledge, but this write-up will help you from being a total novice so when you want to buy, you will know what you want.

1.     On-grid Solar Electric Power configuration.

In this configuration, electric power is supplied to your equipment from the sun (solar) or from the local electric power supply company (mains) over their grid.

This means when the sun goes down, it is assumed that electric power is supplied from mains/grid.

It allows you to send excess energy produced from your solar back to the grid and this can be cashed out at some point in the year for instance

2.     Off -grid Solar Electric Power configuration

In this configuration, electric power is supplied from the sun (solar) or batteries (batt).

This means when the sun goes down, electric power is supplied from the batteries which are assumed to have been charged up by the sun.

3.     Hybrid Solar Electric Power configuration

In this configuration, electric power is supplied from the sun (solar), battery, generator or mains.

This means when the sun goes down, electric power is supplied either from the mains or the assumed fully charged batteries or generator depending on which one is available and more cost effective.

The watchword here is cost-effectiveness.

Of course there are many equipment that require large amount of power in a very short time. This is one of the major reasons why fossil-fuel is still in use today. This is the optimum consideration really but if you don’t have such equipment on your equipment list then the watchword reduces to cost-effectiveness.

Now you know. (NYK).

Jesynet Nigeria Limited supplies, installs and optimally manages solar power installations to give you up to 65% (conservative consideration) cost saving on electric power expense.

Contact us here:- We can deploy nationwide.

Jesynet Nigeria Limited

33, Shoyinka Street, off Igbobi college road, Yaba Lagos, Nigeria.



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